The Benchmark Impact:
A New Era of Elevating Officer Performance
We live in a world of data and technology that touches every facet of our lives. More is expected from law enforcement leadership than ever before — from transparency and accountability to a better understanding of your agency’s performance. To meet these expectations, you need the most sophisticated personnel management solution — one that’s empowered by Data Science.
At Benchmark Analytics®, we marry a team of seasoned data scientists with world-class technology to engage our roots in policing and in-depth expertise in all facets of the law enforcement domain. Our data-centric solutions help you make more insightful and well-informed decisions about the way you manage, support and elevate your workforce.
Enhance your technical infrastructure with a personnel management system that’s separate from your CAD and RMS systems — as well as one that advances professional standards within your agency. Are you ready to join us in making an impact?
Our Data-Driven Focus Helps You Do
Your Job Better — and Get It Done Right
At Benchmark, we know that personnel management within law enforcement is hard . . . and harder now more than ever before with rising crime rates across the country and greater public scrutiny of police practices. We also know that solutions without the benefit of Data Science will never deliver the intelligence, insights and impact you need.
Here’s how we’re moving the profession forward and what differentiates us from other personnel management providers:
Where Do You Fit
in the Law Enforcement Ecosystem?
Discover groundbreaking, holistic solutions developed to meet your organization’s needs — built by the world’s best team of subject matter experts in policing today, who bring a unique understanding of a range of personnel management issues, problems and challenges.